
Shot on the DJI Inspire 3

How we created 'Snow Globe'

In creating this video, we set out to craft something truly unique—a story that reflects the song’s emotional depth and a bold, innovative approach to filmmaking. Our journey began with brainstorming sessions, searching for a story that captured the essence of the music. Once we found the right narrative—a mother and daughter’s bond, rooted in the memories of a cherished snow globe—we moved into the technical planning phase.

With the challenge of filming indoors in a darkened, intimate space, we needed creative solutions to make the DJI Inspire 3, traditionally used for aerial shots, work as a handheld camera. We carefully planned the mounting, focusing, and monitoring systems, pushing the drone’s capabilities in ways that had never been done before.

Next came designing and sourcing a set to reflect a cozy bedroom corner—a bed, nightstand, and window, each piece symbolizing the daughter’s memories. We sourced items locally and secondhand, building the décor ourselves. On shoot day, with only twelve hours to construct, film, and break down, our four-person video crew and two actors came together to bring this story to life.

Guided by Unsenses’ personal story, we captured a narrative of love, loss, and memory. Using the Inspire 3’s camera sensor and gimbal system to convey the song’s emotion, we created what we believe is the first fully story-based music video shot entirely on a drone, showing the potential of technology in emotional storytelling.

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